
Reika.W 【Beginner & Intermediate level】Master Taiwanese Mandarin

【Beginner & Intermediate level】Master Taiwanese Mandarin

25分鐘 1,100點


I love Taiwan and want to study Taiwanese Mandarin! Study real-life Taiwanese Mandarin! ★This lesson is recommended for those who want to study Taiwanese Mandarin from the very basics!★




I have newly added intermediate level lesson content from January 2nd, 2021.

Recommended for the following learners:

- Learners who are studying Taiwanese Mandarin for the first time.
- Learners who would like to study Taiwanese Mandarin more seriously after learning pinyin or bopomofo.

★ Why do I use original teaching materials for my classes?
There are countless Chinese textbooks published in Japan, but most of them are in Chinese used in China, which is different from Taiwanese Mandarin (Chinese used in Taiwan) in terms of phrasing. There are very few books in Taiwanese Mandarin, and even if there are, they are typically brief textbooks designed for travel.
There is one textbook on Taiwanese Mandarin published by a Taiwanese publisher that is available in Japan, but I often see comments online that the textbook is hard to use because the explanations are in English. Also, although the book was published by a Taiwanese publisher, the expressions in the book were not “Taiwanese Mandarin” but “Chinese used in China.”
Therefore, I decided to create my own textbook for Japanese speakers who want to learn Taiwanese Mandarin. This is not just a textbook for travelers, but a textbook that allows you to learn everything from conversations to grammar. I have also tried to make learning fun by incorporating famous Taiwanese celebrities’ names into the example sentences.

★ About My Textbooks
My textbook is designed for learners who have already studied pronunciation and are ready to start studying grammar and vocabulary.
Consisting of 20 lessons, it covers everything from the simplest greetings to being able to express your own opinions.
Each lesson consists of conversation, grammar explanation, and practice questions.
First, we will work on what types of conversations are likely to occur in certai situations, and then we will look into the important grammar.
At the end of the course, you will have the chance to check your understanding of the grammar through various exercises. In addition, I designed the course to include as many words from the vocabulary list published by the Taiwanese Mandarin Language Proficiency Test Committee as possible in my conversation practices and example sentences, so those who are considering taking the Test can learn basic vocabulary with ease.
★ What are the difference with other commercial teaching materials?
Real Life Taiwanese Mandarin
✔︎ My lesson materials are designed with a focus on grammar, so you can learn all of the sentence patterns in a single lesson instead of multiple lessons.
✔︎ My basic materials are designed to include words from Band A of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language  (TOCFL).
✔︎ My intermediate level materials are designed to include words from Band B1 of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language.

★ What level will I be at after completing all 20 of the basic lessons?
The course covers the most basic ‘是’ constructions, the aspect ‘了’, directional complements, and ‘把’ constructions.
The grammar level will go up to intermediate.
If you increase your vocabulary, you will be able to pass Band B.

★ What level will I be at after completing all 20 of the intermediate level lessons?
This course was created with the intention of covering a variety of sentence patterns and including as many Band B1 level words as possible, so after studying 20 of the intermediate level lessons, you will be at around Band B1.
If you increase the amount of vocabulary, you will be able to pass Band B2.

★ Lesson Flow
In order to ensure that you are able to learn all four skills; reading, listening, speaking, and writing in a well-balanced manner, I will not only explain about grammar, but also have you read sentences aloud, answer questions, and practice dictation. Students who have learned basic grammar but would like to practice listening comprehension and speaking are also welcome to join.

*This textbook is designed for learners who have already studied pronunciation and are ready to start studying grammar and vocabulary.
If you have already studied using the “當代中文課程 (A Course in Contemporary Chinese)” or “實用視聽華語 (Practical Audio-Visual Chinese)” textbooks, I recommend that you continue with those two.

*Depending on the textbook, the learning order of grammar and vocabulary will differ. In addition, since my original textbooks were not created based off of the “當代中文課程 (A Course in Contemporary Chinese)” nor “實用視聽華語 (Practical Audio-Visual Chinese)” textbooks, the learning order can differ greatly from these two textbook series. Therefore, if you have already studied using the “當代中文課程 (A Course in Contemporary Chinese)” or “實用視聽華語 (Practical Audio-Visual Chinese)” textbooks and would like to practice your speaking skills, I recommend that you take my “台湾華語 Speak Out (Taiwanese Mandarin
 Speak Out)” lessons.

If you would like to practice conversation using the grammar from “當代中文課程 (A Course in Contemporary Chinese)” or “實用視聽華語 (Practical Audio-Visual Chinese)” textbooks, I recommend taking my lessons that use these two textbooks.

【 Cafetalk Translation / September 2024 】


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【自我介紹】 ♠︎台灣的大學(五專+二技)的日本語科系畢業。♠︎有4年的日系企業的日文口翻譯經驗。♠︎有N1證照。(聽解滿分)♠︎除了日文之外,也自學韓文拿到TOPIK6級(高級)。 ♠︎有豐富的外語學習經驗(即使是自學,我也可以給你一點建議)♠︎有指導學生通過日檢(JLPT)N5-N2的經驗,也曾協助過學生準備日本交換留學(台日交流協會所主辦的留學機會),且學生有成功地申請到交換留學♠︎即...


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