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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Yoshinori 강사 칼럼

洋楽ブログ(11) Miranda Lambert - Automatic

2014년 7월 12일 | 2 코멘트



今週の曲は、アメリカ人カントリーシンガー Miranda Lambert(ミランダ・ランバート/姓、名ともに「ラ」にアクセント)の「Automatic」です。歌の内容は、いろいろなものが自動(automatic)になる以前、生活がよりシンプルだった時代について、彼女が回顧するというものです。ぼく自身そういう古き良き時代を覚えています。例えば、現金自動預け払い機(ATM)が、ただの現金預け払い機(TM)で、機械の中に係員がいて、手でお金を出していた時代、自動詞がまだ自動でなかった時代、「みんさん」という言葉がCafetalkで大流行していた時代。そういう時代が懐かしいです。


すでに愚痴が多すぎですね。ごめんなさい。これ以上愚痴りません、約束します! カウントダウンの話に戻させてください。このミランダの曲自体が、数週間前、アメリカン・カントリー・カウントダウンで1位だったんです。日本でも地域によってはこの番組が聞けます。AFN Tokyo(旧称FEN Tokyo)では、ぼくの記憶で遡れる限りでは、数十年にわたってずっと、毎週日曜の正午から放送されてたのですが、今年に入ってから土曜の午後8時に移されてしまったのです。なぜ~??? それ以来ぼくの日曜というものが変わってしまいました。なので今では土曜の晩に日曜のランチを食べています。


では、今日はこれでおしまいです。みなさんまた読んでくれてありがとうございました! 感謝の気持ちを示すため、今回に限り、みなさんからのコメントに対して、ぼく自身が直接返答します。いつもは機械に定型句を使って自動返答させてるので。ということで、この機会を逃さずに、今回はコメント(どんなコメントでも)を残していってください! それから、個人的なことですが、ぼくのプロフィール写真にかかってる「講師リボン」というやつが現在はまだ「NEW」となっているのですが、あと数週間で自動的に「OLD」に替わってしまうと思われます。それって悲しいです。もう新人講師ではなくなってしまうんです。それはいいとして、Cafetalkの講師陣は責任感があり信頼できる人たちなので、どうしてCafetalkは先生方に自分自身でそれを手動でするよう任せてくれないのかなあと思います。ぼくは、適切な時期になったら自分でリボンを替えることができると、100%自信があります。それをするのを忘れさえしなければ。

First off, thank you all for your honest answers to Question #11 in the previous post. By refusing to answer that question, all of you but one showed me that your answer was "No," meaning that none of you but one thinks my blog will go viral. I accept that. It was such an unrealistic expectation anyway. So, instead of viral, the direction my blog is heading is probably bacterial.

Speaking of bacteria, the word "bacteria" sounds a little bit like "back to an era." And that's where I will take you today.

The song for this week is "Automatic" by American country singer Miranda Lambert. In the song, she reminisces about the times when life was simpler "back before everything became automatic." I remember those good old days myself: the days when automated teller machines (ATMs) were just teller machines (TMs) where a bank teller was sitting inside the machine and manually dispensed money, the days when celiac disease was not an autoimmune disorder yet, and the days when the word "minsan" was all the rage on Cafetalk. I miss those days.

Anyway, one of the nostalgic things Miranda mentions which I can personally relate to is recording the country countdown on cassette tapes. I used to do that on my boom box in the early 1990s. I used two 120-min tapes to record that 4-hour-long radio show. But, even back then, we had this state-of-the-art function called "auto-reverse." I've never had a cassette recorder/player like the one you see in the video which Miranda presumably used in 1998. That's so inaccurate. We already had the Internet and mp3 in 1998. How old is Miranda anyway? She's too young to sing about all these things in the first place!

Enough complaining already. Sorry. No more complaining, I promise! Let me go back to the countdown thing. This very song of Miranda's was #1 on the American Country Countdown a few weeks ago. You can tune in to this show in some areas in Japan, too. It had been aired on AFN Tokyo (formerly known as FEN Tokyo) every Sunday beginning at noon for decades, as far back as I can remember, until earlier this year when they moved it to Saturdays at 8pm. Why??? My Sundays haven't been the same since then. That's why I eat my Sunday lunch on Saturday evenings now.

Anyway, I guess some of you might remember the Japanese song named "Automatic." Usually, the video link would be automatically given to you right here, but today, I'll let you find it by yourself the hard way so that you can get the increased happiness from putting your time and effort into it.

Well, that's all for today. Thank you for reading again! To show my appreciation, this time only, I will respond to your comments personally, instead of letting my machine auto-reply to you with set phrases, as I usually do. So, don't miss this chance and leave your comments (any comments) this time! And, on a personal note, that banner thing placed on my profile picture still says "NEW" but I guess that is going to automatically change to "OLD" in a couple of weeks. That makes me sad. I won't be a new teacher anymore. Anyway, Cafetalk teachers are responsible and trustworthy people, so I wonder why Cafetalk doesn't leave it to us to do it manually by ourselves. I'm 100% confident that I can change my banners by myself when the time comes, unless I forget to do it.

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