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Making the Most of Your English Lessons: 5 Essential Tips

2023년 9월 28일 | 12 코멘트

I taught at a mid-sized language school in Tokyo. After a few years and hundreds of hours teaching there and at companies, my language school asked me to give informal "level checks." These level checks were usually 15-minute conversations designed to assess a student's level so they could be placed into the appropriate class. During these level checks, I asked questions with the 4 or 5 most commonly used verb tenses. 

What's your name?

What do you do?

How long have you been studying English?

What did you do yesterday?

What are you going to do tomorrow?

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Prospective students often gave one or two-word answers to these questions, such as:

Q: What's your name?

A: Hideo

Q: What do you do?

A: Engineering.

Q: How long have you been studying English?

A: 10 years.

Q: What did you do last yesterday?

A: I worked.

While these one or two-word answers are technically correct, a tremendous learning opportunity is lost in practicing English listening, grammar, verb tenses, vocabulary, and fluency. To make the most of your English lessons and daily conversations, consider these essential tips:

1. Listen carefully to the question and make sure you understand its context and structure. Doing this lets you use the words from the question in your answer, making your response more comprehensive and contextually apt. Using the words from the question also helps you to practice using the grammar. For example:

Q: How long have you been studying English?

A: I have been studying English for ten years.

2. Answer in Complete Sentences:  In class, always try to answer in complete sentences. Answering in complete sentences helps improve your fluency and demonstrates your understanding of the question's structure.

3. Use the same verb tense and as many of the words from the question, in your answers. This alignment ensures coherence and showcases your grammatical understanding. It also helps you think in English.

For example:

Q: What are you going to do tomorrow?
A: I'm going to watch a movie tomorrow.


4. Think English, Speak English:  Try to answer questions as quickly as possible without translating them into your native tongue. The more you practice this, the more fluent and spontaneous your responses will become.

5. Immerse Yourself in the Language: Outside of structured lessons, try diving into the world of English media.

  • Listen to English songs (The Beatles are great songs and challenge yourself even further by transcribing the lyrics if you dare!)
  • Watch videos (and repeat what you're hearing.  Your family will think you're crazy!  "Are you talking to the TV?)
  • Listen and tune into podcasts (perhaps write a summary of what it's about, then discuss it with your CafeTalk Tutor the next lesson)
  • Delve into audiobooks

Don't just passively consume; actively engage by writing down unfamiliar words, phrases, or sentences that intrigue you. This daily immersion will accelerate your learning and make English a part of your everyday life.  The more your immerse yourself, the faster you will learn and advance to the next level.  I've met Japanese students who have never traveled abroad but they sound like native speakers because they have made the effort to immerse themselves in English.


Mastering a new language as intricate as English, is a journey filled with highs and lows. Through my experiences in Tokyo, I realized that every conversation, no matter how brief, can be a powerful learning opportunity with the right strategies. The tips in this post are methods and practices that can transform how you perceive and interact with the English language.

Remember, it's not about perfection. It's about progress. You're taking a step closer to fluency with each conversation, song you listen to, video you watch, and sentence you write. Embrace these tips, make them a part of your daily interactions, and watch as your confidence and competence in English grow like the weeds in my garden!

  You can do it!  Have a Growth Mindset. There is research now that proves we can all learn to:

  • Speak a new language like multilinguist
  • Play musical instruments like Beethoven
  • Sing (on key, in tune) like Lennon and McCartney and George Harrison
  • Dance like Donald O'Connor
  • Mathematics
  • Read maps (Yes, the printed kind without a GPS or mobile phone app!) 
So, seize the day and search for opportunities to immerse yourself in English and soar to new heights!

Please share your experiences, challenges, and victories in the comments below. Together, let's make every word count!

*Autor's note: This blog post was written with the help of ChatGPT 4.

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