
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Anamika 講師的專欄


每週主題: How to stay cool during hot days





Summer is amazing to go out and have fun with your friends and family, but the heat can sometimes be too much like the summer in Japan this year. Here are some tips to stay cool and avoid heatstroke while enjoying the summer vibes




 Hydration is the key so Water should be your best friend. Keep a water bottle with you throughout the day and take sips regularly. Don't wait until you're thirsty!


Don’t forget your umbrella at home. Carry it all the time. Wear sunglasses while walking outdoors. 



 Use sunscreen with a high SPF rating to protect your skin from the sun's strong rays. Apply it generously, even on cloudy days.




Eat plenty of fruits like watermelon, and cucumber. Also don't forget to enjoy delicious ice-creams and flavorful shaved ice.  



Pay attention to how you feel. If you start feeling dizzy, nauseous, or overly tired, find a cool place to rest immediately.



Try to stay indoors as much as possible and only go out in the early morning and late afternoon. 




Wear a hat with a wide brim to keep the sun off your face. You'll be stylish and sun-smart at the same time.



Take a refreshing cool shower or bath. It's like hitting the reset button on your body's temperature.



Keep calm and enjoy the summer!!!







Heatstroke  (noun)= sickness caused by high heat  ( 熱中症)
Vibes (noun)= feeling or atmosphere (雰囲気)
Hydrate  (verb) =  Drink water (水分補給する
Generously (adverb) = in an enough or more than enough amount/plentifully (たっぷり
Dizzy (adjective) = feeling weak or faint(めまい)
Nauseous (adjective) = sick/ wanting to vomit (吐き気)
 Brim (noun) = edge of the hat (帽子のつば)
Reset (verb/noun) = start again ( リセット)

