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Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Shezel 강사 칼럼

Are You a Pluviophile Too?

주간 토픽: Something you would do on a rainy day...

2022년 6월 1일

 I've been a lover of rain for as long as I can remember.  A lot of people would think that is ridiculous but as a pluviophile, I am someone who finds joy and peace of mind on rainy days.
Living in a neighborhood with lots of kids running around playing, shouting loudly and giggling of fun is a joy to behold for me in my daily life. They are giving smiles to the adults watching their happy faces which are full of laughter and free from worries . However when rain comes, all of them will rush for a shade, find a cover or run back home seeking for shelter. And there would soon be quiet. The alleys and ground are empty. All we can hear is  raindrops.
And that's the moment I longed for. My mood will soon switch from either bored or angry to instant cheerfulness. I suddenly become energized as if I had taken a good rest.  A spark of life ignites within me giving me something to hold on just like how the rain is giving life and hope to those trees and dying plants and weeds in my garden.
With my renewed strength and enthusiasm, I'd excitedly grab a book, sit near a window and start reading. I'd enjoy the silence and calmness of the surrounding that can make me concentrate to the exciting plot unfolding in the story. The sound of rain and its smell are like fuel to my imagination. I can clearly visualize what is happening in every scene of the novel I'm reading.
Most people would find me strange. For when I'm not at home and rain comes and I would be somewhere walking outside or in an office or perhaps eating out with friends, they would see how I perk up and get immediately animated. My colleagues and friends would frown and laugh and question my abrupt change of mood. There was one time when  I would eagerly run back to the building where I work for after having lunch outside without looking for an umbrella and just happily go into the rain trying hard not to look crazy getting wet. 
 Yes, I am weird and probably just very few people could relate to me. Are you perhaps one of us?

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