
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Kyoko O. 講師のコラム

始[はじ]まりの時期[じき]、春[はる]! (The time for the beginning of something, spring!)

今週のテーマ: 「春」というテーマで授業を行うならば、内容はどのようなものになりますか?



・トピック 1. 日本[にほん]の春[はる]のイベントと食[た]べ物[もの]について
例 [れい] イベント=>イベントに関[かん]する食[た]べ物[もの]
雛祭[ひなまつ]り => ひなあられ、ひし餅[もち]、甘酒[あまざけ]
お花見[はなみ]梅[うめ]桜[さくら]) => 花見弁当[はなみべんとう]
入学式[にゅうがくしき]進学[しんがく] => ハレの日[ひ]の食[た]べ物[もの]
・トピック 2. 雛祭[ひなまつ]り人形[にんぎょう]とは?
・トピック 3. 日本観光[にほんかんこう]をした人[ひと]たちの感想[かんそう]を読[よ]んでディスカッション

(*Some of my English should not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese)

Hello, everyone. Spring is right around the corner here!
When it comes to spring, probably, many people in Japan imagine that spring is the time for the beginning of something.
The climate becomes mild, flowers, grasses and trees begin to sprout, and a new semester in school and a new quarter in some or many companies start...etc.
I think spring is the season that lifts us up.

So why don’t we talk about spring in Japan?
<Topic Examples>
・Topic 1. About Japanese events and food in spring
e.g. Events =>Food related to the events
雛祭[ひなまつ]り => ひなあられ、ひし餅[もち]、甘酒[あまざけ]
お花見[はなみ]梅[うめ]桜[さくら]) => 花見弁当[はなみべんとう]
入学式[にゅうがくしき]進学[しんがく] => ハレの日[ひ]の食[た]べ物[もの]
・Topic 2. What meaning 雛祭[ひなまつ]り人形[にんぎょう] is?
・Topic 3. Dicussion about the articles written by some tourists in Japan in the past
