
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Kyoko O. 講師のコラム

犬好き[いぬずき]? 猫好き[ねこずき]? どんな風[ふう]に好[す]き?

今週のテーマ: あなたは犬派?それとも猫派?


他[ほか]にもいくつかのタイプのレッスンがあります。 一度[いちど]私[わたし]のレッスンリストを見[み]てみて下[くだ]さい。

*Some of my English would not be translated literally. I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese.
In Japan,  the question or opinion like "Are you a cat person? Or a dog person?" or "A cat person is ***. A dog person ***." comes up often in our daily conversation. 
There are various reasons people prefer one to another. We can see and hear many opinions about a cat person and a dog person in many different places. 
Now I am interested in what a cat person or dog person thinks about when the person sees a cat or dog. Everyone feels some emotions in their own way.
For example, one person might say something like this, "I wish I could live my life spiritually free like a cat/a dog". Another person might say something like this, "I can empathize with cats/dogs. I feel it!".  
What do you think about the former? How about the latter?
I'm not a professional in psychology. However, in the persons' words, I still feel like there might be a longing, the thoughts that the person wants to change, and healing through empathy to a cat/a dog.  I mean that we might be able to express our thoughts/feelings on the topic of a cat person or a dog person besides our love for them. I guess that is why we often talk about a cat person or dog person in our conversation.
What do you think?
Why don't we have a talk about a cat person or dog person, or any topic in my conversation lesson? I posted another column about cats here. If you're interested, try reading it as well, please.
I have some types of Japanese lessons. Please check my lesson-list. 
