
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Kyoko O. 講師のコラム

いわし雲の秋からの…(The row of clouds in the autumn, which is called "iwashi gumo" in Japanese…)

今週のテーマ: 秋といえば〇〇の秋!






(Some of my English should not be translated literally.I would be glad if it could be helpful for people to understand the context of my Japanese.)

We have four distinct seasons in Japan. In each of them, the shapes of clouds change generally. Some of the clouds commonly have names that describe their looks.

The clouds called Iwashi gumo can be seen by us in the autumn sky in Japan. I've heard that there are some explanations about the origin of the name. One of the explanations is that the shape of the clouds looks like a school of sardines. The explanation sounds quite right to me.

I'm digressing, but when it comes to fish in autumn, Pacific saury is very popular. I have read that Pacific sauries form schools tooSo I feel like eating grilled Pacific saury whenever I see the clouds "Iwashi gumo". It really tastes good in autumn.

I just noticed I had ended up writing about the seasonal food in autumn though I would have written about the clouds in autumn. I think it is too late to say this, but I should have chosen a theme like "the seasonal food in autumn causes us a lot of appetites" for me. In Autumn in Japan, we can enjoy beautiful clouds and good seasonal food at the same time.
