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Yoshinori 강사 칼럼

洋楽ブログ(21) Maroon 5 - This Summer's Gonna Hurt...

2015년 8월 28일 | 8 코멘트

NOTE: You need a #2 pencil and a calculator for this post.

Summer seems to be winding down fast where I live, and I'm beginning to miss it already. Here's a survey about summer. Please choose your answer and type it in the comment section below by hitting the keyboard with your #2 pencil held by your non-dominant foot. (This is of course one of those silly surveys I always do, so you don't have to waste your time on this. I don't really expect you to go to all that trouble anyway, so you can skip this survey. Just type "7" in the comment box now and jump to the next paragraph. I will even allow you to use your dominant foot. Just make sure, though, that you use a #2 pencil. Otherwise the machine won't recognize your answer.)

Survey Question: What do you love most about summer?
 1) Heat stroke/exhaustion
 2) Mosquitoes
 3) Lightning strikes
 4) Food poisoning
 5) Fireworks accidents
 6) Water-related accidents
 7) Swimsuit malfunctions

As much as I love summer, there's one thing I hate about summer. Every year when summer comes around, I get a skin rash, mostly on my legs. It usually starts with a single small, pink itchy spot. The area then expands and turns reddish while the strong itch continues for a week or more. Then, it just dies down and fades away. Around the time that happens, another one pops up somewhere else and goes through the same process. Sometimes, I get two or more at once. This continues all through the summer. Until recently, I had always wondered what it was and what was causing it, but for over a decade, I'd never been able to find out. (This doesn't necessarily mean I'm over 10 years old... in mental age.) I had suspected everything from flea bites, atopic dermatitis, and flesh-eating bacteria, to marks left by alien medical experiments. I had done online research from time to time. However, nothing really fit my case. So, I always just wrote it off as some form of skin cancer.

Then just the other day, as I was fighting the itch to scratch, I researched on the Internet once again. This time, an image search for bug bite pictures led me to several articles about mites that belong to the family Cheyletidae (pronounced like kye-LET-uh-dee). According to those articles, this kind of mites feed mostly on other household mites such as dust mites. Their dwelling places include beds and carpets. These little guys (or gals) usually don't bite people, but when in contact with human skin and pressed by it, they do. Bites are common during the summer months. The rash appears hours after the bite and the itch continues for about a week. The size of the affected area can be up to 10 millimeters in diameter. It's a perfect match! So, I'm pretty sure this is it. Never had I thought it mite be mites...

Actually, if you recall, there was a "mite" in my last post (May 2). I guess that individual was the first of the season. And, that could give us a rough estimate of the number of Cheyletidae mites living in my room right now. For calculation, let me assume that their population doubles every day, and that there was only one mite on May 2. Today is August 28. That means 118 days have passed. So, the number should be 2^118 (2 to the 118th power). Now, it's time to use your calculator. Please find the value by pressing the keys with your #2 pencil held by your non-dominant foot.

So, now that I have a good idea of what's been going on in my room, what can I do about it? Some of the articles I read suggest two things:

1) Change your sheets and vacuum your carpet regularly.
2) Bug-bomb your room.

I have a problem with both because I don't want to disturb this little ecosystem my room apparently has, where these Cheyletidae mites sit at the top of the food chain and other mites and I are below them. I want a green solution that involves no genocide or chemicals. That's why I have decided to just continue to share my bed with 332306998946228968225951765070086144 Cheyletidae mites.

Since none of you seem to have a question about how the initial single mite could reproduce by itself to have another one so that there would be two of them on the second day, let me just go ahead and move on to the music.

For this post, I picked one of my favorite summer songs of 2015 to say good-bye to this summer. It's Maroon 5's This Summer's Gonna Hurt Like A Mother... um, I won't say the whole title because I don't want to risk a possible violation of Cafetalk's terms and conditions. Fortunately, this song has a clean version in which the censored part is sung as "mother aha." The video I posted here is the clean version. By the way, the phrase "like a mother aha" is just an intensifier meaning "extremely."

I guess this song is about a man getting tired of his girlfriend who is hot yet so materialistic and shallow. He thinks they will break up before the summer ends. He thinks it will be a bad breakup. Thus, his prediction: "This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha." Or maybe he's talking about a female mite. I'm not really sure.

Anyway, this song is actually my third best summer song of 2015. I selected this one for my blog because I want to keep the top two to myself. If you're curious, I can give you only the names of the songs. I will not provide the video links. Sorry!

My #2 summer song of 2015:
Afrojack (ft. Mike Taylor) - SummerThing!
My #1 summer song of 2015:
Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer

That's all for this time! Thank you all for reading! Any comments are welcome, and please "Like" this post if you liked it and can find Cafetalk's "Like" button hidden somewhere. If you're expecting a punch line at the end, I'm really sorry. I couldn't come up with one this time. So, let me finish this post by just giving you the first half of the lyrics so that you can enjoy singing along. Hopefully, you can also help me figure out what this song is really talking about. Sorry I can't post the whole lyrics, though. Song lyrics are copyrighted material, so I can't just post the whole thing.


This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha, aha
This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha, aha

Somebody's there
Somebody comes each summer
Thinks I'm her host or something
There's dust and hair, yes
As well as all my dandruff
All-you-can-eat or something

I see her dancing in my bed
Sipping something on my leg
So repulsive, someone help
'Cause I'm so itchy
I see her when I go to sleep
I agonize about a week
She never wants to leave my sheets
'Cause they're so filthy, yeah

This summer's gonna itch like a mother aha, aha
This summer's gonna itch like a mother aha, aha

【注意】 今回はHBの鉛筆1本と計算機が1個必要です。


【アンケートの質問】 あなたが夏で一番好きなことは何ですか?
 1) 熱射病
 2) 蚊
 3) 落雷
 4) 食中毒
 5) 花火の事故
 6) 水の事故
 7) 水着のアクシデント

ぼくは夏は大好きではあるんですが、夏に関して嫌なことが1つあります。毎年夏がやって来ると、発疹が、主に足にできるんです。それはいつもポツっと小さいピンク色の痒い1個から始まります。それからその部分が広がって赤っぽくなって、その間、強い痒みが1週間またはそれ以上続きます。すると、おさまって消えていきます。そうなる頃に、また1つ違う場所に現れて、同じ過程を進みます。これが夏の間中続くんです。最近まで、いつもこれが何物で何が原因なのか疑問に思ってたんですが、10年以上わからないままでした。(これによって必ずしもぼくが10歳以上ということにはならず。精神年齢が) 何物なのかいろいろと疑いました。ノミによる虫刺され、アトピー性皮膚炎、人食いバクテリアから、エイリアンによる医療実験の跡まで。ときどきネットで調べることもしました。でも、ぼくのケースにピッタリ当てはまるものはありませんでした。なのでいつも、単に何らかのタイプの皮膚ガンだろうくらいに思ってました。

その後、つい先日、掻きたい気持ちと闘ってる中、もう一度ネットで調べたんです。今回は、虫刺されの写真を画像検索したら、ツメダニ科に属するダニに関するいくつかの記事にたどり着いたんです。それらの記事によると、この種のダニは主に、ヒョウヒダニ(チリダニ)など家の中にいる他のダニを主食にしてるとのこと。住んでる場所はベッドやカーペットなど。これらのおチビ君(さん)たちは、ふつうは人のことを刺さないが、人の皮膚と接触して圧迫されると刺す。刺されるのは夏の月の間に多い。発疹は刺されてから何時間も経ってから現れ、痒みは1週間ほど続く。患部の大きさは直径10mmにまでなり得る。これって完全一致(itch)! ということで、ほぼこれに間違いないと思います。まさかダニとは思わなかっただに・・・



1) 定期的にシーツを交換しカーペットに掃除機をかける。
2) 部屋に燻煙剤をたく。



今回用には、この夏に別れを告げるために、2015年のぼくのお気に入りサマーソングの1つを選びました。Maroon 5 の This Summer's Gonna Hurt Like A Mother... ええと、曲のタイトル全部は言わないようにします。なぜなら、Cafetalk の利用規約違反になる可能性のリスクを負いたくないからです。幸い、この曲には修正バージョンがあって、問題箇所は「mother aha」と歌われてます。ここにアップしたビデオは修正バージョンです。ところで、「like a mother aha」という語句は「極度に~、超~」という意味の単なる強意表現です。

この曲は、ある男性が、hot だけど超物欲が強くて浅薄な彼女にうんざりし始めてるという内容なんだとぼくは思います。彼は2人が夏が終わる前に別れるだろうと思っていて、それが嫌な感じの別れになる思ってる。それで彼は「This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha」(この夏は超痛むだろう)と予想。または、もしかしたら彼はメスのダニの話をしてるのかもしれません。いまいち自信はないです。


Afrojack (ft. Mike Taylor) - SummerThing!
Demi Lovato - Cool For The Summer

これで今回は終わりです! みなさん読んでくれてありがとうございます! どんなコメントでも歓迎です。それから、もし今回のブログを気に入ってくれて、どこかに隠れてる Cafetalk の「Like」ボタンが見つけられた場合は「Like」していただくようお願いします。もし最後のオチを期待されてるかたがいましたら、本当にごめんなさい。今回は思いつきませんでした。ということで、今回は、みなさんがいっしょに歌って楽しめるように歌詞の始めの半分を掲載して終わりにさせていただきます。みなさんにこの曲の本当の内容の解読を助けてもらえるかもと期待もしてます。歌詞全体を掲載できなくて申し訳ありませんが。歌詞は著作権で保護されてるものなので、ポンと全部掲載しちゃうわけにはいかないんです。


This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha, aha
This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha, aha

Her body's hot
Her body's like the summer
I'm in a trance or something
Her mind is not, no
As sharp as all her diamonds
She must be smoking something

I see her dancing in the streets
Sipping champagne on the beach
So expensive when she eats
'Cause she's so fancy
I see her when I go to sleep
I check my phone when I am weak
She never posts anything deep
'Cause she's so fancy, yeah

This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha, aha
This summer's gonna hurt like a mother aha, aha





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