
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Yoshinori 講師のコラム

洋楽ブログ(8) Rascal Flatts - Rewind


お詫びと訂正】 前回のブログの最終段落で、キャッチコピー候補の3つに関して「100%オリジナル」と言ったのですが、計算し直したところ、実際には43%しかオリジナルでなかったことが判明しました。お詫び申し上げます。さらに、読者のみなさんの中で一番人気だった選択肢「3」に関して、ネットで少し調べたところ、残念ながら、似たような響きのキャッチコピーが、とある人気オンラインレッスンサイトですでに使われていることが判明しました。したがって、あの案は自分のブログ用に使わないことにしました。「3」を選んでいただいたみなさん、申し訳ありません。ランキングで1位になる望みは、永遠に消えました。時間を巻き戻してキャッチコピーを考え直せたらいいのにって思うのですが、現実の世の中には「巻き戻し」ボタンは存在しません。現実はつらいです。

このアメリカのカントリーバンド「Rascal Flatts」(ラスカル・フラッツ)が、「Rewind」という曲で、ぼくの気持ちを見事に伝えてくれています。歌詞の内容は、ある男性がある晩、彼女とすばらしいデートの時間を過ごした直後、「今夜は、巻き戻す(rewind)ことができたらいいのにって思う夜だ」って、もう一度始めからすべてのひと時ひと時を繰り返し楽しみたいっていう気持ちを語ってる内容です。ビデオはほぼ歌詞に合わせた作りになってます。ビデオを見てる途中で、どこか気になるシーンがあって、そのシーンをもう一度見たいという場合、そのシーンまで巻き戻してそこを見るということができません。YouTubeには「巻き戻し」ボタンがないんです。ビデオを最後まで再生しきれば「もう一度再生」ボタンが押せるので、それで最初からまたスタートし直すしかないんです。現実ってつらいですよね。






以上、ぼくからの説明でした。こんな感じでブログを書いてるんです。みなさん、ぼくのブログを読んでくれて&Likeしてくれたりコメントしてくれたりありがとうございます! みんさんが画面をスクロールして上に戻って何度もこのブログを読んでいただけたらいいのにと思うのですが、このブログのウィンドウ内には[ここにオチ挿入&本文終了]。


Apologies and Corrections: In the previous post, I said "100% original" regarding my 3 tagline ideas in the last paragraph, but, after recalculation, it turns out that they were actually only 43% original. My apologies. I also did a little research on the Internet about the choice #3, which was the most popular among the readers. Unfortunately, I found out that a similar-sounding tagline is already used by a popular online lesson website. Therefore, I have decided not to use that one for my blog. I apologize to everyone that voted for #3. My hope for the top spot in the rankings is dashed for good. I wish I could rewind time and rethink my tagline, but there's no "rewind" button in real life. Reality bites.

This American country band, Rascal Flatts, conveys my feelings perfectly in their song "Rewind." In the lyrics, this man has just had a wonderful time with his date one night and says, "This is one night I'm wishing I could rewind," hoping he can repeat and enjoy every moment from the start all over again. The video pretty much goes with the lyrics. If you find a certain scene interesting while watching the video and want to watch the scene again, you can't rewind back to the scene and watch it. YouTube has no "rewind" button. You have to let the video run to the very end so that you can hit the "replay" button and start over from the beginning. Reality bites, doesn't it?

Anyway, I'm sorry that this has nothing to do with the song, but what I want to do today is show you how I usually compose my blog post. The three essential ingredients for every post are: a song, a theme, and the final punch line. Sometimes, a song comes to my mind first, and I set a theme based on the lyrics. Other times, a theme comes first, and I pick a fitting song for the theme. The most important part is the punch line. It's the first thing I need to think of. I never start writing unless I have a punch line thought up and ready. A story without a punch line just isn't my style of writing.

Once the three components are there, I make an outline. I can do that in my head because it's very simple. It always looks like this:

●Filler+Punch Line

The intro and the punch line are all I really need, so all things in between are just fillers. They're pure fluff and not worth reading at all. They just serve to bulk up my piece as well as guide the story all the way down to the punch line. Nothing more than that. The number of filler paragraphs varies from post to post depending on my mood. Right now, you're in the middle of one of those fillers, reading absolute garbage. I wish you could just jump from the intro to the final punch line every time you come here. That would save you considerable time and energy, but this blog window has no "fast-forward" button. You have to read the entire thing. Reality bites, doesn't it?

Throughout the course of the writing, I throw in jokes at random as I come up with them. I deliberately contradict myself, deprecate myself, play dumb, and tell painfully obvious lies. I do all these things, trying to make you laugh. And I never fail... to fail.

There you have it. That's how I write my blog. Thank you all for reading and liking and commenting on my blog! I wish you could scroll back up and read this post again and again, but this blog window has [Insert Punch Line Here & End Post].

