
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Teacher Dante 讲师的专栏

Exploring the Potency of Generosity


The act of giving holds great power, yet it is often misunderstood. Some believe that giving everything away is the path to appreciation and respect, while others fear scarcity, choosing to clutch onto their possessions tightly. Both approaches lack balance and thus, fail to grasp the essence of giving.
The key is to understand that neither hoarding nor giving away everything contributes to prosperity. Here, we offer some insights on how giving and receiving can balance each other out, resulting in a harmonious life.


1. The Acceptance of Desires
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Acknowledging the innate human desire for more can open doors to unseen abundance. Many associate guilt with the act of wanting more, viewing it as greed or gluttony. However, these desires are not inherently selfish or greedy.
Desiring more becomes problematic when individuals are unwilling to share or contribute positively with their abundance. It's crucial to remember that wanting more is natural and not a subject of guilt.
2. Embracing Generosity
When generosity flows freely, without fear or guilt, miraculous things can happen. Begin with small acts: donate unused items to charity or surprise someone with a spontaneous gift.
Gradually, develop an awareness of the little joys life offers. Notice the fortunate parking spot found during a downpour, and express gratitude for such unexpected conveniences.
3. Cultivating Gratitude
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Adopt an attitude of gratitude for each received blessing. When life takes a less favourable turn, acknowledge it, but don't dwell on it excessively. Instead, view it as a learning opportunity and swiftly move forward with a solution-oriented mindset.
4. Graciously Receiving
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Many times, people resist accepting help or favors, believing it's unnecessary. However, graciously accepting such acts of kindness allows the power of giving to circulate freely. It also teaches others to become more receptive, creating a reciprocal flow of generosity.
5. Giving Without Expectation
Ensure your acts of giving, be it money, time, or help, come without expectations. The power of giving blossoms when there's no specific anticipated outcome or return. The act itself is rewarding, and the benefits often come in unexpected ways.
"Giving does not only precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive." - Israelmore Ayivor, Youth Leadership Coach and Author.

"Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting." - Brian Tracy, Motivational Public Speaker, and Self-development Author.

"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill, Inspirational Statesman and Writer.

In this spirit of giving, let's engage in some introspection. How do you perceive giving? Would you describe yourself as a giver?

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See you in class,

