
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Audrey オードリー 講師のコラム

8 ways you know you are walking in self-love


What is self-love?  Self-love means having a high regard for your own well being and happiness.  To put it simply, you love yourself.  Most people think they have self-love, but actually they don't.  Self-love is important because it allows ourselves to enjoy our lives and live fully.

Below are 8 signs you have self-love. 

You don’t compare yourself to others.  When you hop on Instagram, and see your friends, or celebrities looking great, don’t compare yourself to them.  Maybe you are not as pretty or rich, if you are walking in self-love, you will think “oh great, she looks great!”.  If you have low self-love, you look at yourself in the mirror and feels it is unfair why you don’t look as pretty as your friends or celebrities, or why your life is not as amazing as theirs are.


2.     You are listening to your body cues. You can speak your mind if somebody or something is bothering you.  You find a balance between honouring yourself and being afraid to offend someone else.


3.     Be able to set boundaries. For example, if you don’t like your co-worker’s jokes, you feel comfortable telling the person (without provoking an argument).  If your mother-in-law is visiting too often, be comfortable to set boundaries.


4.     You live in a state of gratitude – you are grateful for your abilities, appearance, and things you have.


5.     People around you make you feel worthy.  You can let go of people that make you feel down, unworthy or unloved, including family, relatives, romantic partners and friends.  You are not afraid to get rid of these people.


6.     You don’t allow negative self-talk. You forgive yourself when you make mistakes, instead of blaming yourself for your mistakes.  You admit your mistake, and tell yourself it is okay to slip, and move on.


7.     Don’t get defensive when others criticize you.  This is the hardest one! If somebody’s criticism is unconstructive and not true, it is natural to defend yourself.  However, if you love yourself, you know what he says is not true, why spend time fighting back? However, if the criticism is constructive and the person truly wants to help, you don’t feel defensive.  You step back and think about it and maybe work on it to improve yourself.  Either way, you don’t start a fight with the person.


8.     Be able to accept compliments.  When somebody tells you your hair looks great, accept it and say thank you. No need to say, eh, well, oh really, my hair usually doesn’t look like this…

 I hope you enjoy this article :)
