
Cafetalk Tutor's Column

Momo Sensei 講師的專欄

5 Tips To Improve Your Turkish


If you just started to learn Turkish it might  has some difficulities at the beginning. But don’t worry it will become easier in time. So i gathered 5 tips for you to learn Turkish language easly and faster!

1- Learn new words

Evereyday you need to learn at least 5 words and try to use those words in a conversation or an essay. With this way you can not forget them.

2- Create your own dictionary

When you hear a word in a converstaion, song or a movie, you should write it down to your phone or a litte notebook and carry it all the time. If you do this, during a conversation when you need them you can just take a look in a second.

3- Try to speak Turkish with Turkish people

If you have Turkish friends in your country or if you are living in Turkey, always try to speak with local people and don’t get shy. Because learning foreing languages needs a lot of speaking practice.

4- Watch Turkish movies, Tv series etc.

Even if you have a basic level of Turkish, don’t be afraid to watch Turkish movies. Yes, you will not understand most of the diologs but you will have an idea about the pronunciation, also hear some words and you can check out the meanings afterwards. In time Turkish language will become more familiar to you.

5- Change your technological devices language to Turkish

Yes, it can be hard at the beginning  but in these days we are always using mobile phones, social media and lots of technological devices and we are  looking at them everyday . If you change your default  language to Turkish it will help you to practice your Turkish.

In my 12 years teaching Turkish for foreigners career, these are and more i have had as perfect experiences from many students who studied with me. And i am so happy that now they can speak Turkish and some of them are studying at Turkish universities and having business with Turkish companies.

If you would like to learn Turkish for any reasons, i kindly invite you to my professional and enjoyable classes. As i am a TÖMER- Teaching Turkish Center - teacher, you will feel yourself into a real course and please feel free to ask questions anytime at my class.

You will see that anyone can learn Turkish and i will assist you on this path.

I look forward to meeting you soon!
